Recommended practitioners
I am so glad you had a look at this page! My passion is helping people advance on their path to the next better version of themselves, to re-discover and strengthen their connection to their spirit and soul. On this path, most of the work is “inside job” by the person itself, but sometimes a helping hand from outside can ease a more challenging passage or speed up the process. That is where these professionals come in.
They cover a whole palette of healing techniques: nutrition/relationship to food and our body, psychotherapy, acupuncture, kinesiology, therapeutic massages, basic reflexes/nervous system, energy work, crystal healing, Reiki, spiritual guidance and healing, astrology, family constellations, healing vibrations of crystal bowls, imagery work.
I have seen every one of them do a little miracle. Let your intuition lead you. May they be a blessing to you!

Claudia Kaiser
Metabolance, holistic nutrition coaching
This quote is by Amelia Freer, however it was Claudia Kaiser ( who taught me that it is possible in practice. Even if you lead a very busy life. She shows how eating food, which is right for you, can be healing and significantly increase your wellbeing. She is passionate about helping her clients to find the right approach that suits their unique body, personality and lifestyle. This philosophy is reflected in her holistic nutrition counselling.
Consultations are possible in English, German, French, Dutch or Spanish and can take place in person (office in Schaarbeek, close to Schuman/Meiser) or by phone/skype.
Don’t hesitate to tell her that you come via ‘Mandala of Life’ — this will give you a 10% discount on the first nutrition service (promocode mandalaoflife10). May you be healthy, may you be well!
Contact details:
Claudia Kaiser
Avenue Milcamps 138
1030 Brussels
0032 477 75 92 85

Anja Hertkorn
Psychotherapist, EFT-Practitioner and Healer
Anja’s gifts are providing healing space, non-judgemental listening and asking skilful questions that lead to new insights. Whether you would like to overcome a relationship issue, fear, addiction, an old pattern or loss, she will help you disentangle emotional knots, so that your energy can flow freely. Progress with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can be astonishingly fast – within just a few sessions. Moreover, Anja is passionate about assisting her clients with finding their calling, their voice in this world, and lifestyle that is aligned with their hearts. When you are ready for a better version of your life, she will be happy to accompany you.
Consultations are possible in English, French and German.
Contact details:
Anja Hertkorn
Energy Therapy Practice / Praxis für Energie-Therapie
48 Rue des Aduatiques (close to metro Merode and Montgomery)
B-1040 Brussels
Telefon: (+32)0478-310 684

Christian F. Darmon
Acupuncturist, LicAc; MBacC; M.D.Ac
Genuine traditional acupuncture is a holistic alternative therapy healing body and mind in respect of inescapable natural laws. Recognising the uniqueness and complexity of every individual, it understands and acts upon the subtle relationships linking physiology, psychology, environment and personal history, which all form the undividable picture of our experience in life.
Christian qualified from the School of Five Element Acupuncture in London under the supervision of Ms Nora Franglen, close student of the late Professor J.R. Worsley who re-formulated a very subtle 5-Element system after decades of research beside Far-Eastern masters. To keep refining his practice, he follows the Master Apprentice Program under the guidance of Judy B. Worsley who is now the leading authority in this extraordinary system.
Consultations are possible in French and English.
Contact details:
rue Dodonée 14 (close to Bascule)
B-1180, Uccle
Phone: + 32 478 1778 91

Christine Maurel
Comment libérer nos mémoires pour atteindre nos objectifs en étant pleinement soi-même ?
Depuis notre naissance et au cours de notre vie, nous sommes passés et nous passons par différentes expériences et évènements. Ces vécus laissent des mémoires qui nous stimulent ou nous freinent au quotidien. Ces schémas erronés, croyances limitatives et tous ces facteurs de stress du passé s’installent tout au long de notre vie.
La kinésiologie nous permet de libérer ces mémoires qui nous empêchent de disposer de tout notre potentiel et d’Être pleinement soi-même pour atteindre nos Objectifs essentiels et de revenir à des choix personnels.
Les consultations ont lieu en Français.
Coordonnées :
Tél. 0476 240 759
Kairos-ine – bien-être et bonheur

Annelies Espeel
Annelies Espeel has been studying Chinese medicine since 2005. She started with a focus in tuina (chinese massage) which she was taught in Brussels, Belgium by a private teacher and at Institute Chuzhen, a TCM school in Paris, France. In July 2007, she had her first encounter with a Chinese hospital during a 3 week training course at the Yunnan TCM Hospital, Kunming, Yunnan province, China. It was on this course that she understood the need to learn Mandarin in order to get a more in-depth knowledge of the ancient TCM books and to understand her teachers and their patients in China. She then studied Mandarin in Kunming, Yunnan province, China from 2008-2010. In July 2015 she obtained her five-year bachelor degree in Chinese medicine at the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China. Since October 2015, Annelies is residing in Belgium working as a Chinese medicine consultant.
Consultations are possible in Dutch, French and English.

Didier de Buisseret
Thérapeute psycho-corporel
Amener à la lumière ce qu’il y a de plus beau, nourrir ce qu’il y a de meilleur en nous. C’est ainsi que je conçois mon rôle de thérapeute et d’accompagnant.
L’approche psycho-corporelle s’y prête magnifiquement, puisqu’elle englobe la personne dans sa totalité, prenant en considération son corps, son esprit et ses émotions.
A un moment, la parole n’est plus suffisante et c’est au corps à prendre le relais et à trouver son terrain d’expression. Afin de faciliter et d’accompagner cette expression, j’ai souhaité développer trois outils distincts, permettant des angles d’approche différents et complémentaires : le massage tantrique, la respiration consciente et l’accompagnement de couples.
Contact: website

Lindsey Curtis
Dreaming, Imagery & Embodiment
Our physical bodies are composed of energy at their most simple levels; it is our duty as mature adults to care for that energy.
How is energy lost? Through trauma we lose energy; through unawareness we lose energy; through being careless with our thoughts we lose energy. When we do not fully express or we explode our emotions, we lose energy. When we ignore our inner sensations & intuitions, we lose energy…
How do we retrieve energy? We strengthen our connection to our inner world, and we assume the responsibility of balancing ourselves, our minds, emotions, bodies & spirits. Imagery practices that are short, quick & profound strengthen that connection in an instant.
What is imagery? Imagery is practiced through quickly looking inside & receiving response through image. With a guide, images are quickly induced in order to retrieve the dreamer’s emotional report. Within the images seen & experienced lies the treasure to healing, greater joy love & abundance of life.
What is embodiment? The process of embodiment is bringing all the goodness that you are in the etherial into your physical form. To be embodied is to be powerful, strong, solid, and a truly creative being. We must be embodied to manifest out deepest dreams & desires. We become embodied as we clear our emotional, energetic & mental blocks and welcome more of the divine creative force that we are into our bodies.
Contact: website Be Love, Be Light
Pierre Duray
IMP (l’integration motrice primordiale)
Si le rôle protecteur des réflexes est évident, leur participation dans le développement des trois sphères physique (posture – mouvement), émotionnelle (stress – estime de soi) et cognitive (apprentissage-mémoire) est essentielle. Mais parfois des éléments perturbateurs viennent court-circuiter ces mouvements catalyseurs d’épanouissement. Par exemple, un choc émotionnel chez une mère enceinte peut hyper-activer le réflexe de paralysie par la peur du fœtus. Un «intrus» chimique peut neutraliser l’arc réflexe ou déclencher de façon permanente un réflexe tel que le réflexe tendineux de protection (exemple : les effets de drogues sur le fœtus). C’est ici qu’intervient l’Intégration Motrice Primordiale (IMP).
Contact: +32 (0)484.64.61.37
Evelyn Heinel
energy rebalancing
A good and balanced energy flow is vital for our physical and mental well-being. Energy Rebalancing offers a way of looking at the whole body rather than just the parts with symptoms. Weak spots or missing links in our energy network can cause a large range of challenges from e.g. recurring headaches to more serious health problems. These can be detected through the use of a measuring device (tensor) and subsequently be re-balanced by a transmission of energies canalized through the healer’s hands which are placed onto or close to the energy centres (chakras), energy channels (meridians) or body parts concerned.
Consultations are possible in English, French, German and Dutch.
Contact:, 0470.340.237
Tamás Pataki
Crystal healing, Reiki, Tantra yoga
Tamás Pataki is an Energy Healer, Meditation Coach, and Spiritual Counselor with 14 years of training and experience. He is a certified Master Teacher in Crystal Healing and Traditional Usui Reiki, training with Anita Kardos at Crystal Academy in Budapest, Hungary. Tamás teaches at MySpiritbook Holistic Healing School that he founded in Paris, as well as in Brussels.
He conducted healing classes in France, Belgium, Hungary and in the US. Tamás offers private counselling and healing sessions such as crystal healing, Reiki, past life regression and karmic cleansing therapy, Violet Flame and Saint Michel’s energy therapy, Tantra Yoga and chakra cleansing.
Contact: website My Spirit Book
Susan Hopkinson
astrology readings
Very professional astrology readings, often surprisingly accurate insights and always sprinkled with guidance for self-realization.
A gifted astrologer, Susan helps people to understand themselves and their life journey better through their birth charts and current astrological influences, in keeping with the ancient tradition of harmonising our inner experience with the outer world and the entire cosmos.
Patricia Nagant
méditations sonores avec bols en cristal, pyramide en cristal, diapason en cristal et lyre en cristal
Venez découvrir le chant des Bols en Cristal, de la Pyramide en Cristal, du Diapason en Cristal et de la Lyre en Cristal qui nous touchent au plus profond de notre âme. Ce sont de magnifiques outils thérapeutiques puissants qui permettent de calmer l’esprit, d’apaiser les turbulences émotionnelles, de susciter un état de relaxation psycho-physique et de se connecter plus facilement aux dimensions supérieures de notre être et élever nos vibrations pour permettre la libération des vieux schèmes. L’écoute de plusieurs bols en cristal est une expérience unique, profonde, ensorcelante, extraordinaire et en même temps émouvante. Ils génèrent des sons très purs et intenses. Ils ne s’écoutent pas seulement mais ils se ressentent et se vivent également.
Leur action est extrêmement dynamisante, purifiante et équilibrante.
Contact: centre Cristal’In
Spiritual/esoteric guidance and healing
Jan Gyselinck,, +32.473.135.162, speaks Dutch, French and English
Individual sessions for soul reading and healing, ray analysis (esoteric psychology), healing with seven rays, esoteric healing, empowerment healing
Group trainings (in Dutch) on these subjects.
Pia Yesimala,, +32.475.41.89.34, speaks Dutch, French and English
Spiritual guidance from Master Morya, spiritual guidance about your soul, energetic healing massages, healing with the Light of Angels.
Group trainings (in Dutch) on these subjects.
Massage initiatique
C’est un puissant outil de guérison des blessures fondamentales de l’Être. Il s’adresse à l’ensemble de notre Être via quatre niveaux de conscience : physique, émotionnel, mental, spirituel.
Il rééquilibre et harmonise ces quatre niveaux essentiels et nous aide progressivement à ressentir une unité intérieure grâce à un profond lâcher-prise. Chaque niveau agit comme un moyen d’accès vers une dimension de notre corps. Tantôt le massage sera intense et énergisant, tantôt extrêmement doux et enveloppant selon le niveau auquel il s’adresse.
Laurence Fischer, Body to Soul,, 0484.36.16.24 (in French)
Beatrix Rozsda,, 0487.631.679 (in English, French and Hungarian)
Family constellation therapists
All of them are talented. Let your intuition guide you whom to approach (first).
Antonia Bahtchevanova (individual sessions in EN and FR, group sessions in FR)
Cecilia Altieri (individual and group sessions in EN)
Hélène Huberty (individual and some group sessions in FR)
Meghan Kelly (group sessions in EN)