Published resources
Books, DVDs and video seminarsCompliments to your inquisitive spirit!
With the growing popularity of Yin yoga, also published resources about Yin yoga have greatly increased in number and become more varied. Please see below a non-exhaustive list of links to published resources by both senior Yin yoga teachers and their students.
- A rich listing of books, DVDs, videos and other media can be found on Bernie Clark‘s website here. This website is frequently updated, so it is worthwhile to check it from time to time! Also, watch out for his new books on skeletal variations: “Your Body, Your Yoga” and “Your Spine, Your Yoga“!
- Paul Grilley‘s website lists his DVDs and online courses, while some of his articles you will find on Bernie Clark’s website (see above).
- Sarah Powers‘ DVDs and book can be found on her website here; it includes also a wonderful list of recommended reading on yoga in general and Buddhism.
- You can purchase Sarah Powers’ and Paul Grilley’s DVDs and online courses also via Pranamaya. A tip: sign up for their newsletter to be informed about their sales and special offers!
- If you understand German, check out the books by Stephanie Arend, Helga Baumgartner “Yin Yoga: Achtsames Üben für innere Ruhe & Entspannung” (with CD, very beautiful design), as well as Dirk Bennewitz and Andrea Kubasch.
Happy reading/watching and many new (y)insights!